
Customer Testimonials

Nothing means more to us than customer satisfaction.

Since 2009, we've been helping our customers successfully purchase properties or refinance their mortgages by providing the best personalized service and by making sure all of their mortgage needs are met. 

Check out what past customers have said about working with us...

Overall Rating:

179 Review(s)
Douglas A W June 30, 2017
My wife and I were blessed to be able to work with Edgar for our new home . Edgar was always very personal approachable and professional in every endeavor that we came upon. I would gladly recommend anyone seeking to buy a home to speak to Edgar first and foremost .
Nila Kay M June 7, 2017
Excellent service!!
Richard Ancil M June 3, 2017
He worked hard for us and it was difficult to get all the paperwork done long distance.
Oscar C May 23, 2017
He was very kind and ready to answer any questions. He put everything very clear to understand and made all efforts to help me during the process.
Christopher O May 19, 2017
Edgar is very professional and very easy to work with. He is also a great person who always had a great attitude. I was always able to quickly communicate with Edgar via phone or email. Most importantly, Edgar would take the time and effort to break down and explain things in detail and show examples of multiple situations so in the end you know exactly what you are signing and why. This also helps tremendously with decision making.