
Customer Testimonials

Nothing means more to us than customer satisfaction.

Since 2009, we've been helping our customers successfully purchase properties or refinance their mortgages by providing the best personalized service and by making sure all of their mortgage needs are met. 

Check out what past customers have said about working with us...

Overall Rating:

178 Review(s)
Lucas D January 31, 2019
Thank you for all your attention!!
Jose G February 28, 2018
Edgar was very professional and easily accessible. His knowledge and dedication to his clients was beyond reproach. I will defiantly recommend him to all l encounter with home loan needs.
Arturo D P January 29, 2018
The advise provided, the explanation, the service, always diligent, providing help on the questions, in few word, an excellent professional as well as person. I will recommend him to my friends and family in need of this type of service or need.
Elizardo G October 27, 2017
Very attentive to my concerns. Attention to detail, addressed all my questions with clear answers, extremely helpful in every aspect of the transaction, always ready and willing to give advice as needed.. Very professional and dedicated to task at hand. Overall, a great level of service from Edgar and his team.
Marina Vargas V October 9, 2017
Mr. Edgar Hernandez was the most helpful person a first-time buyer could have hoped for He is very knowledgeable, Responsive and quick to return calls. Mr. Hernandez has explained the process to me and my husband with the upmost and honest professionalism. Mr. Hernandez has always explained things very well. He will go over it & over it if you are having trouble understanding any part of the loan process. Thank you for your patience. We wouldn't hesitate to recommend Edgar to others.