
Pull Your Credit

We have ways that you can pull your credit so you can not only see where your credit score is but also have more information about your credit. There are two different ways that you can pull your credit, learn more below!

Developed by Credit Technologies® Mortgage Preflight® is a safe and secure method to pre-authorize access to your credit data for the processing of a mortgage application. Mortgage Preflight® gives you control over who has access to your confidential data and is the recommended first step when searching for the best mortgage loan and terms. Preflight® also provides you valuable insight into information that will be critical throughout the mortgage. Mortgage Preflight® provides,

  • A secure method for you and your lender to comply with various State and Federal laws requiring the demonstration of permissible purpose and your specific authorization prior to accessing your personal credit data.
  • Precise ID authentication – an additional level of protection against identity theft.
  • FACTA Mandated disclosures containing all three FICO® scores – The same scores that will be utilized by your lender in the mortgage process.
  • Your Preflight Report a custom “check-list” of items your mortgage professional will be reviewing in the lending process. Your customized analysis will identify potential issues that might need to be addressed and discover opportunities (often otherwise hidden) that can result in better loan terms and lower costs.
  • A real-time, direct and secure conduit with your mortgage professional.  Within seconds, your data is in the hands of your lender allowing for an immediate review, response and processing.


Pull your full credit report!