Simply put, joint obligations secured prior to your divorce can still create credit problems for you even though they were awarded to your ex-spouse in the divorce.
I think I could use some guidance. Where do I start?
Let's have a conversation. We'll discuss your circumstances and determine if an Owelty Mortgage is a beneficial option for you.
Just because your divorce is finalized, it doesn't mean that your past joint financial obligations have been completely separated.
An Owelty Loan is designed to help you proactively address some of the joint credit entanglements created prior to your divorce, and keep your credit profile from being impacted by actions of your ex-spouse.
Your Divorce Attorney or Mediator will have addressed and settled most of the important legal considerations of a divorce, but will typically leave you with a few tasks to complete pertaining to joint credit obligations. When a mortgage is involved, an
Owelty Loan is a great tool, especially in Texas where our Home Equity Laws are unique and limit access to the full amount of your equity.
Get peace of mind knowing that you have proactively taken steps to address an important aspect of maintaining a healthy credit profile after divorce.