
Customer Testimonials

Nothing means more to us than customer satisfaction.

Since 2009, we've been helping our customers successfully purchase properties or refinance their mortgages by providing the best personalized service and by making sure all of their mortgage needs are met. 

Check out what past customers have said about working with us...

Overall Rating:

181 Review(s)
Elizabeth P February 4, 2020
Awesome job guiding us through the process of our application and letting us know how we were doing. Thank you for all your help. Liz Peacock
Pedro P February 4, 2020
Edgar was with us every step of the way. He explained everything to us. and made sure every thing was done right so as not to delay the process.
Armando H January 24, 2020
Edgar knows what he is doing and likes it very much. Very pleasant experience.
Dagoberto M January 21, 2020
Edgar is really knowledgeable at what he does. He made everything possible to get our house. I recommend him & his team to anybody who is in the market of buying a house.
Morris M December 29, 2019
Our home purchase was extremely challenging and frustrating to us the home buyer due to the property being tied to a short sale company. It was a very long process and I am positive we could not have made it through if it wasn’t for Edgar’s approach to the entire purchase. Edgar was always very optimistic and always went above and beyond to help us with our home purchase. We are very fortunate to have dealt with such a professional individual during this lengthy process.