
Customer Testimonials

Nothing means more to us than customer satisfaction.

Since 2009, we've been helping our customers successfully purchase properties or refinance their mortgages by providing the best personalized service and by making sure all of their mortgage needs are met. 

Check out what past customers have said about working with us...

Overall Rating:

179 Review(s)
Idalia M May 30, 2021
Edgar is a knowleagle professional that helped us understand the process. Was always available to answer any inquiries. The process was well delivered and we are finally happy homeowners. Grateful for the whole team and their prime service, they are awesome! Most definitely will refer to family and friends.
Maria D May 26, 2021
Excelente service !!!very pleased for the service he provide to us ...very professional ...
Rodrigo P May 25, 2021
For years I've met people that do what Edgar does. I've asked questions on what to do and never really gotten a respond or what actions I should take. Edgar made it seem easier than I thought it would be and really walked me thru everything I needed to do, cause of him I now have a house. Thank you Edgar.
Miguel A May 15, 2021
Fue una gran esperiencia buen trato, cordial y servicial y siempre atento a todas mis preguntas y dudas lo recomiendo al 100 por ciento. Muy agradecido con DIOS por permitirme conocer a ete gran ser humano. Muchisimas gracias por toda tu ayuda Edgar Hernández, DIOS LO BENDIGA. Atentamente Miguel Angel Sánchez
Luis A May 15, 2021
This was our first home and working with Edgar and his team made this process easy. The step by step guidance is what made this experiance even better. It was a pleasure and I would recommend Edgar J Hernandez and his team at Primary Residential Mortgage to anyone who is looking for a new home.