
Local Control

Having a national team doesn’t mean giving up control of the loan process. Over 80 percent of our files are processed and underwritten locally, and over 50 percent close locally too. That means you can discuss file specifics with an in-house underwriter who understands your unique market and cares about your customers, rather than depending on an underwriter 500 miles away. 

Our Process Stays in Your Hands

    80% of files are processed and underwritten locally

    50% of files close locally

    Case-by-case underwriting philosophy

    180-day rate lock

I Want Better


“As a former broker, one of the things you fear most about working for someone else is giving up control. With PRMI, not only do I have more control than I thought possible, but the support I get minimizes time spent on things like HR and compliance. This frees me up to do what I do best: sell loans. Since I’ve been with PRMI, we’ve increased our production every year.”


Craig Pollard, Branch Manager

We’ve launched dozens of independent branches across the nation, from single person offices to fully staffed branches. You provide the winning team and the drive to succeed; we supply teams of specialists to get you ready for business. We’ll set up the CRM systems, establish HR services, maintain compliance, give marketing support and provide the business intelligence resources and profitability analysis to allow you to scale-up. 

Once you’re up and running, you can be as independent as you like, with your own in-house underwriting, processing and marketing, or use our team of experts. Our Branch Relations Division is your dedicated resource to answer questions, troubleshoot and help you create a road map to success, year after year.  

I Want Better