Bringing home a new pet is exciting. Make sure things go smoothly by preparing your home. Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. is sharing tips to help you keep your new pet safe and help you avoid damage to your home.
Secure furniture and fragile items
A rambunctious pet could knock down furniture if it isn’t anchored. Secure things like bookshelves and TVs to your walls so they can’t fall easily. This keeps your pets from getting hurt and helps prevent damage to your furniture and appliances.
If you’ve got cats that like climbing, you may also need to find secure storage for smaller fragile items.
Store dangerous substances carefully
Getting into medicine, cleaning supplies or trash could easily make your pet sick. There are also many foods that are unsafe such as grapes, onions, chocolate and garlic. Keep potentially dangerous items in cabinets that are high or locked and use a trash can with a tight lid.
Make sure strings and cords are secure
Keep pets from ruining your electrical cords by taping them down so they can’t be chewed on. You’ll also want to pay attention to the length of cords on blinds and window hangings. If a pet gets tangled in a window cord they could get hurt or ruin your blinds.
Choose material that is easy to clean
Pets can be messy. Make your life easier by choosing material that is easy to clean. For example, tile or wood floors are much easier to manage than carpets—especially if a pet isn’t housetrained yet. If you’re looking for seating, consider microfiber or leather since those materials are easier to keep clean and free of pet hair.
Check your plants (indoor and outdoor)
Plants can add a lot to a home, but if you’re bringing home a pet, make sure to check that your plants are safe. For example, lilies are very toxic to cats. Check your yard and houseplants to make sure your pets won’t get sick if they eat something they shouldn’t while you’re not looking.
Prep Your Yard
Many pets enjoy spending time in the yard. Make sure it is ready by putting up a strong fence and patching or covering holes under your house, shed or porch and installing a doggy door (if applicable). You should also evaluate the chemicals you use on your lawn or garden to be sure they’re safe for animals.