
Value of Multilingual Mortgage Services

A family of three standing in front of a house with a sold sign
Dec 14, 2020 01:17 PM

by: Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc.

At Primary Residential Mortgage, we firmly believe everyone should have an equal opportunity to enter the housing market. This includes those who do not speak English as their primary language – this should not be an obstacle that prevents anyone from securing a mortgage or buying a home, and we’re here to make sure that happens.

A big part of this effort: We employ numerous staffers who speak more than one language, allowing us to assist a wide variety of clients with their home loan and related needs even if English is not familiar or comfortable for them. Why is this capability so important for those in the mortgage world and related fields, and which languages do our staff cover for our clients comfort? Here’s a primer.

Value of Multilingual Services

Multilingual capabilities have significant value, not just in the mortgage world but in several related financial realms. They allow for several basic service features:

  • Accommodation: Many people judge their financial institutions largely based on how they accommodate them and make their lives simple and easy. Staff members who speak a client’s native language easily qualify here.
  • Customer satisfaction: Customers feel that institutions with multilingual capabilities are going the extra mile for them.
  • Overseas: While this isn’t necessarily as common a concern in the mortgage realm, many financial needs involve overseas areas where the ability to converse in multiple languages holds major value.

Increased Customer Base

Frankly, the biggest reason we employ multilingual staff is one that benefits both us and our clients: We can serve a wider range of customers. If we only spoke English, a huge percentage of our clients who are not comfortable with the language would simply go elsewhere. Rather, we wanted to be sure we can serve as many people as possible with our robust mortgage rates and mortgage services, so we took the proper steps to ensure this.

Our Languages Spoken

We’re not just bilingual in our mortgage offices – we’re multilingual, serving several different languages beyond English. Here are our staff members and the languages they speak:

  • Aislinn Carter: English and Spanish
  • Alex Huong: English and Vietnamese
  • Alex Nahhas: English and Arabic
  • Borzoo Honargohar: English and Persian
  • Eddie Kravchenko: English, Hebrew and Russian
  • Edgar Hernandez: English and Spanish
  • Ishmael Solis: English and Spanish
  • Jennifer Soboh: English and Arabic
  • Jennifer Sullivan: American Sign Language
  • Jose Macias: English and Spanish
  • Juan Mendez: English and Spanish
  • Margaret Fagbemi: English and Nigerian
  • Omar Farooq: English and Urdu
  • Renee Flores: English and Spanish
  • Sonia Vasquez: English and Spanish
  • Sue Ellen Hill Gramajo: English and Spanish


If you’re looking for mortgage services from an expert who speaks any of these languages, be sure to mention this when you call our offices. Our staff will be happy to match you up with the right person to make your experience comfortable, simple and straightforward.

For more on the value of multilingual mortgage pros and others in the financial field, or to learn about any of our home loan services or mortgage rates, speak to the staff at Primary Residential Mortgage today.

*PRMI NMLS 3094. PRMI is an Equal Housing Lender. Some products and services may not be available in all states. Credit and collateral are subject to approval. Terms and conditions apply. Programs, rates, terms, and conditions are subject to change and are subject to borrower(s) qualification. This is not a commitment to lend. Opinions expressed are solely my own and do not express the views of my employer.