Here at Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc., we want you to have a safe and happy holiday season. If you’ll be traveling to see your loved ones for the holidays, follow these tips to help you make it to your destination safely.
Before you go
- Assemble an emergency pack with food, water, warm clothes, flashlight, ice scraper, jumper cables, blankets, cat litter (for traction), chains and a first aid kit.
- Make sure your tires have plenty of tread and are fully inflated.
- Check your battery, brakes and wiper blades.
- Swap your wiper fluid for a cold-weather blend if you live in a very cold climate.
- Clear off mirrors, back-up cameras and any sensors that affect assisted-driving features.
- Top off your gas tank.
- Leave yourself plenty of time to get to your destination.
- Check the weather along your route, and leave a day earlier if necessary.
While you’re driving
- Buckle up and secure kids in appropriate safety seats.
- Drive the speed limit and slow down if weather affects visibility or road conditions.
- Accelerate/decelerate slower than normal when roads are wet or icy.
- Steer into the skid if you hit a patch of ice.
- When roads are wet or icy, increase your following distance behind other cars to 8 to 10 seconds.
- Don’t use cruise control on slippery roads.
If you encounter whiteout conditions
- Pull over; don’t try to power through.
- Stay with your vehicle.
- Keep yourself warm and visible until help arrives.
- Conserve battery power and fuel; use the interior light to stay visible, as it doesn’t use much power.